Foam The Runway — A term indicating the last minute infusion of cash into a company about to go bankrupt. Airports foam runways prior to an imminent crash landing to help reduce friction and sparks. Just as foaming the runway is a last stand against a horrible… … Investment dictionary
Foam path — A foam path is the aviation safety practice of spreading a layer of fire suppression foam on an airport runway prior to an emergency landing. Originally, it was thought this would prevent fires, but the practice is now discouraged.The U.S. FAA… … Wikipedia
JetBlue Airways Flight 292 — Infobox Airliner accident|name=JetBlue Airways Flight 292 Crash 420px|Image caption=As the front wheels touched the runway, sparks shot along the runway and the tires tore off, leaving the metal gear scraping the runway for the final few yards.… … Wikipedia
Air safety — is a term encompassing the theory, investigation and categorization of flight failures, and the prevention of such failures through regulation, education and training. It can also be applied in the context of campaigns that inform the public as… … Wikipedia
foam — foamable, adj. foamer, n. foamingly, adv. foamless, adj. foamlike, adj. /fohm/, n. 1. a collection of minute bubbles formed on the surface of a liquid by agitation, fermentation, etc.: foam on a glass of beer. 2. the froth of perspiration, caused … Universalium